Sponsorship Opportunities with Best Damn Sport and Social Club of Kalamazoo

BDSSC is currently looking for Sponsors for our Adult Co-ed leagues for our Upcoming leagues/ We have over 3000 members and an average of 500+ members playing every season! We currently offer 2 levels of Sponsorship with varying exposure for your company:
Level 1: Your logo of choice printed in full on the back of all our league shirts! We print 500+ shirts every season, price based on size of league so you get the exposure you pay for. (Includes promotion on our Website as well)

Level 2: Includes all Level 1 benefits plus your Logo of choice watermarked on ALL of our professional photos we post on Facebook and Instagram! We post 30-100 photos a week on Facebook where we have over 4000 local followers along with 1k followers on Instagram in Kalamazoo!
Check out our Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/bestdamnkzoo/
Check us out on Instragram at: https://www.instagram.com/bestdamnkzoo/
(Individual leagues may be available for sponsorship as well for appropriate pricing)
Send all inquires and pricing questions to: sponsorbdssc@gmail.com